Utrecht University Hydrogen Initiative

Rethink Hydrogen

Rethink Hydrogen: Multidisciplinary Living Lab on Large-Scale Green Hydrogen in the North Sea aims to develop a holistic view of large-scale green hydrogen production in the North Sea, addressing social, ecological, economic, and geopolitical aspects to support just and sustainable energy transitions.

  • Critical Relationship Identification: Identify and quantify critical relationships for just and sustainable hydrogen production in the North Sea.
  • Visualization Development: Create visualizations to support a multidisciplinary Living Lab.
  • Prototype Living Lab: Develop a prototype specifying spatial, functional, and participatory requirements for a Living Lab.
  • Research Questions: Address research questions about target groups, critical relationships, quantification, modeling, visualization, and functional requirements of a Living Lab.

A Pathways to Sustainability Signature Project, Rethink Hydrogen aims to engage UU scholars and the wider public in hydrogen research, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and closing knowledge gaps. By developing a prototype Living Lab, the project sets the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of the hydrogen value chain and its role in sustainable energy transitions.

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