Utrecht University Hydrogen Initiative


HyPRO: Cost-Efficient Large-Scale Production of Carbon-Neutral Hydrogen aims to reduce the system costs of water electrolysis to 2.5 €/kg H2 by 2030 and rapidly increase the production of electrolysers, facilitating the transition to a climate-neutral economy.

  • Supply Chain Development: Develop the Dutch supply chain for materials, components, and systems for AWE and PEM electrolysers and fuel cell stacks.
  • Technology Innovation: Develop, analyze, and test innovations for AWE and PEM electrolysis technologies.
  • New Technology Development: Focus on low TRL AEM and SOEC electrolysis technology and CO2-neutral hydrogen production from methane.
  • Component R&D: Conduct R&D into critical components of electrolysers, including cost targets at the component level (MEA, bipolar plate, catalyst).
  • Benchmarking and Testing: Develop benchmark tests and system architectures.
  • Pilot Manufacturing: Demonstrate small-scale pilot manufacturing lines.

Supported by Groeifonds programme GroenVermogenNL, HyPRO aims to realize cost-efficient production of green hydrogen, supporting large-scale adoption and integration into various industries, thereby contributing to a climate-neutral economy.

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